When it comes to preventing cancer, information is key but a new study suggests Hispanics aren’t likely to look for it. 83% of Spanish-speaking Hispanics have never looked for cancer information compared to 48% of non-Hispanics, according to the American Cancer Society and The National Cancer Institute. 36-year-old breast cancer survivor Veronica Torres says it was hard to navigate the system but her advice is to be brave and get help. "I understand what they're going through,” she said. “Don't be scared. There's a lot of help out there that you can find. There's some good people and doctors.” Some doctors say Hispanics may not want to seek help possibly because of cultural or economic issues. "I think some of the issues are economic,” said Dr. James Young, an oncologist at Penrose-St. Francis. “Some of the newly emigrated Hispanic population is fearful that contact with the health system will result in contact with immigration authorities.” READ FULL STORY
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