Martin Solorzano left a comment for Elvira Juarez
"Hi how are today....and glad that you accepted my request hope to learn more about u..."
May 10, 2010
Martin Solorzano left a comment for Vanessa Yanez
"thank you for adding me as one of your friends"
Jul 1, 2009
Martin Solorzano left a comment for ILIANA CASTANEDA
"Hi Iliana,

Thank you for adding me to your friend list, so what you do for leaving ?"
Jun 5, 2009
Martin Solorzano left a comment for Mariza Othelina Baeza
"Hi Mariza,

I hope you had a great weekend and let me know and events coming up..Hope to hear from you soon"
Jun 1, 2009
Martin Solorzano commented on Mariza Othelina Baeza's blog post Gamma Phi Omega's SWAN SCHOLARSHIP
"Hi Mariza,

I love to golf, but I already may plans for the that weekend. Keep me posted for any other events that you guys have. You are doing a great thing for our LATINOS and if you need volunteers for any events count me in...Hope to hear from…"
May 19, 2009
Martin Solorzano left a comment for Leticia
"Follow your dreams....I like that"
May 15, 2009
Martin Solorzano left a comment for karina
"hi. welcome to hispanicpro hope know more abou you"
May 13, 2009
Martin Solorzano left a comment for Savannah Perez
"Hi, me encanta tu nonbre . I hope to hear and know more about you"
May 13, 2009
Martin Solorzano left a comment for Luis A. Bautista
"Business loans are at is lowest in decades. People are been really conservative and don't want to take a risk. Take care Luis"
May 13, 2009
Martin Solorzano left a comment for Margie
"I love the dress but more your sexy smile....."
May 6, 2009
Martin Solorzano left a comment for Lupe
"Just wanted to say the you have a hermosa sonrisa =)"
May 6, 2009
Martin Solorzano left a comment for Karen Gonzalez
"just wanted to drop a couple lines to say hi and that you sound like really nice and pretty"
May 6, 2009