Latinas (26)


In the nation’s capital, three Latinas in lab coats are on the front lines of the coronavirus pandemic.

Monica Mann, 34; Elizabeth Zelaya, 36; and Connie Maza, 33, analyze Covid-19 samples every day to track the spread of the virus and, more recently, to identify mutations. The three scientists and medical technologists are part of a small team in the Washington, D.C., Department of Forensic Sciences' Public Health Laboratory Division. READ MORE AT NBC NEWS

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The state Attorney General's Office is investigating a grievance filed by four Latina professors at Cal State San Bernardino that a glass ceiling in the College of Education blocks them from advancement and leadership positions. No women of Latin origin are among the faculty administrators on the campus, they say, although university President Al Karnig denied it. In addition, the women cite enrollment figures they say show Latinas make up about 25 percent of the students at the university, which they say shows a need for Latina leaders. Their grievance was filed by the California Faculty Association, the union representing the women. They claim 161 positions have been filled in the College of Education over the past decade without being advertised as available. READ FULL STORY
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8602360254?profile=originalBabyCenter®, the #1 pregnancy and parenting online destination worldwide, has released the results of a comprehensive study about Latina moms. The Hispanic Moms Acculturation study, part of the 21st Century Mom™ Insight Series, offers key insights into the influence of acculturation on moms' behaviors and preferences related to shopping, mealtime, media consumption, and more.

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The acculturation study interviewed 2,479 Hispanic and 1,472 non-Hispanic moms across BabyCenter® en Espanol ( and BabyCenter® ( The Hispanic moms ranged from recent immigrants to native-born English-speakers.

With one in four babies born in this country being Hispanic, and Hispanics representing 55% of the population growth in the United States, this study sheds new light on the behaviors of Latina moms as they go through the acculturation process and integrate elements of American culture with those of their own heritage. Additionally, the study aims to provide marketers with insights about how best to reach this diverse and fast-growing audience.

Isidra Mencos, editorial director of BabyCenter for the Americas and Spain, says, "While Hispanic moms are linguistically diverse, culture acts as a powerful force for uniting them. Marketers that integrate authentic cultural elements into their media can craft a message that resonates with Latina moms' deepest values and aspirations."

Shopping: Hispanic Moms Are Brand Loyal and Love to Shop With Their Families

Across all levels of acculturation, Latina moms are much more likely to purchase brand-name CPGs. Additionally, Latina moms are much more likely than the general population to purchase global heritage brands that resonate emotionally. This presents a great opportunity for CPGs facing competition from less expensive generic brands, especially in these difficult economic times.

Hispanic moms are avid consumers, with 57% saying they love to shop vs. 30% for the general population. This behavior diminishes, however, as they become busier and acculturate. Shopping is also regarded as a family affair. Hispanic moms are three times less likely to shop alone. Despite stereotypes about machismo, 54% of Latinas share their purchase decisions with spouses or partners vs. 44% of non-Hispanics. READ MORE

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Half of all teenage pregnancies in Larimer County between 2005 and 2007 occurred among the female Hispanic population, and officials say cultural differences may be a contributing factor. From 2005 to 2007, 126 of the 251 pregnancies in women ages 15 to 17 occurred within the female Hispanic population in Larimer County. Hispanics make up 10 percent of the population in Larimer County. The birth rate for Hispanic teenagers in that time period was 67.7 to 71.3 per 1,000, and 8.6 per 1,000 for non-Hispanics, according to data compiled by the Healthier Communities Coalition of Larimer County. The rate is above the state of Colorado's numbers, at 65.5 per 1,000 births.READ FULL STORY
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Spine defect more likely in Hispanics

In Illinois, Latina/Hispanic women are twice as likely as any other race or ethnicity to have a baby born with a birth defect involving the spine. That's why they will be the focus of National Folic Acid Awareness Week, which will be observed next Monday through Jan. 11 "We need to educate all women, especially Latinas, that folic acid can help prevent birth defects of the brain and spine, said Adriane Griffen, chair of the national Council on Folic Acid. READ FULL STORY
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An informative brochure about breast cancer, written in Spanish and English, has been produced to reach a growing young Latina audience in Marin County. The effort is a collaboration between Zero Breast Cancer, a Marin-based nonprofit organization, and the Novato Youth Wellness Collaborative. The target audience, said Zero Breast Cancer's Susan Schwartz, is Latina students and young women who might not know about preventative health practices and cancer risk factors. READ FULL STORY
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