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Latinos are launching businesses at an unprecedented pace, but barriers — some long-standing, some brand new — keep them from reaching their potential.

The number of Latino business owners has surged by 34 percent over the past decade, outpacing that of any other ethnic group. Yet despite that entrepreneurial vigor, Latino business owners face ongoing challenges, as their companies tend to remain smaller and less profitable than white-owned businesses. READ MORE AT STANFORD BUSINESS

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42 % of U.S. adults want a small business


Forty-two percent (42%) of American adults either have owned a small business or want to do so.

A Job Creators Network/ national survey found that 22% have already run their own business and another 20% would like to do so in the future.

Black and Hispanic Americans who have never run their own business are more interested in trying it than white Americans. READ MORE AT NEWSMAX

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When it comes to IoT, small things make a big impact


Recent studies predict that by 2025 there may be as many as 100 billion internet of things (IoT) devices deployed worldwide. That's roughly 14 connected devices or sensors for every person on Earth.

IoT consists of almost everything you can attach to a network: computers, smartphones, robots, drones, printers, thermostats, and even consumer packaged goods with RFID tags. To create business value with IoT, you need the right combination of sensors, devices, software, and systems. READ MORE AT ADAGE

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A business thrives on connection. Whether those connections are with customers, clients, suppliers, or colleagues, the relationships we form in the business arena provide resources and opportunities to promote your business. 

As is commonly acknowledged, employees are some of a company’s most important assets. Employee engagement is a fundamental business principle that supports a strong business and business continuity. Investment in employee engagement as part of your philosophy will strengthen your company and lead to growth opportunities.

Developing Engaged Employees

Professional development in employees is vital for building your business, supporting business continuity, and engaging your employees. Providing training opportunities such as access to courses on office resources, technology, and business processes outside of the standard job training gives employees the chance to explore other development areas and better understand the intersection of their role with different company roles. This cross training strengthens the company as employees can shift into other positions on an as-needed basis or lead the way to internal professional advancement within the company when the fit is right to transition an employee to a new role. It is better to have a solid team in place and enhance their skills with professional development to help move the business forward rather than scramble for a replacement should the unexpected happen.

Professional development opportunities you may want to consider for your employees include:

  • Internal cross-training 
  • Tuition assistance for certification or degree programs
  • Attendance at industry conferences and workshops
  • Online training programs developing leadership and communication skills through development vendors

Supporting Employees Well-Being

Happy and healthy employees are stronger assets to a business. Employees now look for additional benefits that, at one time, seemed unconventional. These well-being benefits include supporting employee mental health through wellness programs such as EAPs or counseling resources and physical health through gym reimbursements and fitness event reimbursements. Organizing or sponsoring in-person activities such as a retreat, group activity, or a team fitness event is a great way to promote employee connection, engagement, and well-being. Employees may also find volunteerism rewarding. Sponsoring opportunities to volunteer as a team increases employee engagement, team-work, and a sense of purpose in the broader community.

Creating Social Engagement While Distant

In today’s reality of remote offices and social distancing, opportunities to engage, socialize, and relax together have diminished. We crave socialization both in our personal and our professional lives. Employees who can socialize in a work-sponsored environment can increase their connections to their colleagues, strengthen a team-oriented environment, and help their company thrive.

With many employees working from home or socially distant due to the pandemic, we miss out on the quick opportunities to chat over a cup of coffee or organically brainstorm business solutions. Providing social engagement opportunities keeps the door to communication open among employees and encourages employees to reach out to one another when there are opportunities to collaborate.

Some ideas to promote social engagement while distant include:

  • Virtual Trivia: Virtual trivia events can be held either with a professional trivia company or with someone from your office who can organize an event. This allows employees to have friendly competition and connect outside the working context and build relationships.
  • Recipe exchanges for the holidays: Holidays certainly look different this year, but encouraging recipe exchanges among employees can foster relationships and conversation. 
  • Sharing Photos/Videos: while we are distant, sharing photos can help “put a face to the name” and encourage connections that reach across business unit teams and foster professional relationships and team collaboration.

Authenticity in Engagement

Authenticity in employee engagement will bring rewards to the business, leadership, and employees. Being authentic in your desire to develop and engage employees is an important first step in guiding your plans. If you do not know where to start, ask a trusted employee for ideas on where to start. A genuine interest in developing your employees will lead to the answers and opportunities that will strengthen your business and provide continuity going forward.

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The jobs in technology that pay the most


From Mark Zuckerberg to your local IT professional, it's no secret that tech pays. But how well? And what jobs pay the most?

The career data website Comparably recently sought to answer these questions. They surveyed over 12,000 employees in top-level positions, and produced a list of 10 highest-paying ones, with salaries all over $150,000. READ MORE AT USA TODAY

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Even with the quickly changing landscape in the U.S., experts think healthcare systems aren't prepared to adequately treat the Latino population, which has unique healthcare challenges and needs.

Latinos are 50% more likely to die from diabetes or liver disease than whites. They are also 23% more likely to be obese.

Only a few healthcare systems—even those in areas with a large Latino population already—have invested in services targeted for Latinos beyond language services, which hospitals are legally required to provide under the Civil Rights Act. READ MORE AT MODERN HEALTHCARE

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It’s no secret Texas has become one of the fastest growing states in the nation, and Comal County has become of the fastest growing counties.

If the projections of Texas demographers are accurate, the Texas of tomorrow will look very different than the Texas of today both in structure and in its people.

Driving much of the growth in Texas — and the entire nation — is the boom of the Hispanic population — a population that will almost double by 2050. READ MORE AT THE HERALD-ZEITUNG

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6 salary negotiation tips that work for everyone


Salary negotiation is often thought of as complex, risky and only for people who are high up on the career ladder. Recent grads and those who are just starting out hesitate to negotiate salary, usually due to a perceived lack of experience. Whether you’re a recent college grad, an experienced professional, or anything in between, these universal tips can help you leverage your skills and experience so that you can build a strong business case for your next salary negotiation.

Before we dive into these salary negotiation tips, it’s always a good idea to remind yourself exactly why you’re negotiating your salary in the first place. Simply put, not attempting to negotiate your salary is the worst decision you can make. READ MORE AT PAYSCALE

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Marysol Castro remembers a hot and humid summer day between third and fourth grades. She was playing stickball with her brothers and neighbors in her native Bronx, New York, and she remembers some boys looking at her with disdain when she hit her first home run.

She noticed the looks, but it didn't stop her, and it certainly hasn't stopped her yet.

Castro, who's about to turn 44, has spent a little over a month in her job as the first female public address (PA) announcer for the New York Mets and the first Latina PA announcer in Major League Baseball. READ MORE AT NBC NEWS

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The Latino Community Foundation has announced $150,000 in grants to local nonprofits as well as a $1 million commitment for 2019.

The following organizations are sharing the $150,000 in grants:

— Arte Américas
— Centro La Familia Advocacy Services
— Community Center for the Arts and Technology
— Education and Leadership Foundation (ELF)
— Every Neighborhood Partnership

The San Francisco-based Latino Community Foundation has the largest network of Latino philanthropists in the country. It established the 65-member Central Valley Latino Giving Circle in 2016 along with a group of local leaders with an emphasis on local philanthropy. READ MORE AT BUSINESS INSIDER

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Seven Tips for work-life balance


Work-life balance is like a unicorn: no one knows whether it really exists, but vague hope persists. Balance is particularly difficult for entrepreneurs because we wear so many hats. More often than not, work-life balance is like a seesaw, with life on one end and work at the other. One side is always either up or down, and time spent in the middle is fleeting. The seesaw will never be completely balanced, but there are ways to maximize the time spent in the middle. These seven tips will give you a start. READ MORE AT FSTOPPERS

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The Capstone College of Nursing recently received a $1.7 million grant for the purpose of increasing the number of Latino nurses with bachelor's degrees. The grant is aimed at recruiting 80 Latino registered nurses with associate degrees and getting them on the track to receiving a bachelor's degree in nursing from The University of Alabama.

The College of Nursing will admit 20 students over a four-year period to meet the desired goal. The Health Resources and Services Administration Nursing Workforce Diversity program is funding the grant and efforts to recruit the nurses. READ MORE AT THE CRIMSON WHITE

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The Best-Paying Jobs And Industries In the U.S.


When you look at studies that list the jobs that earn the most money, you often see the same professions jockeying for position in the rankings. Though many require different skill sets, they all tend to demand high levels of study, experience and inflexible qualifications.

That’s what’s shown in the latest wages report from LinkedIn, a massive professional networking and job search platform. According to its State of the Salary Report, which published August 30, the most lucrative jobs are those in business leadership and in the healthcare industry. READ MORE AT FORBES

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The evolution of work is becoming a battle between flexibility and stability. The sharing economy offers people unprecedented opportunities to work when, where, and as much as they want. But it also threatens a future in which stable, well-paying jobs cede to temporary gigs with few protections. Lawmakers wonder: How do we stoke new-economy industries without burning up old-economy security? READ MORE AT INC

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A master’s program can be a great way to switch careers or build momentum in your current track. But it’s important to think hard about what you’ll get out of a graduate degree before you make the investment, because some master's degrees are much more valuable than others.

Every year, Forbes turns to compensation site PayScale to reveal the best and worst master’s degrees for jobs. READ MORE AT FORBES

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Annual hotel openings have nearly tripled over the past five years, according to a recent forecast by Statista. Just who’s expected to fill all these new rooms moving forward? Rather than think in age demographics (baby boomers vs. Millennials), it’s time for the hospitality industry to recognize a powerful yet largely untapped target audience: U.S. Hispanics.

Now taking more vacations across every income level — and spending nearly READ MORE AT O'DWYER'S

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In marketing circles there’s incessant hype about being culturally relevant to the vast Hispanic market here in the U.S., which is 59 million strong. It is great to see examples of it done right.

Here are two solid examples of being truly culturally relevant that illustrate the power culture has in connecting brands to this lucrative consumer segment. READ MORE AT MEDIAPOST

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